The effectiveness of Bobath method in the correction of psychophysical state of preschool children with motor disorders


  • Божена Олегівна Буховець State institution "South Ukrainian national pedagogical University named by K. D. Ushinsky" 26 Staroportofrankovskaya str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65020, Ukraine



psychomotor development, preschool children, Bobath method, psychophysical state, motor disorders


This article deals with the problem of effectiveness of Bobath method as a principal methodology for correction of psychophysical state of preschool children with motor disorders. The base of this experiment is an assessment of formation of elementary motor skills in the main initial positions at the very beginning and the dynamics of acquirement at the end of course, the corrective developmental activities by Bobath method in preschool children with motor disorders.

In the result of experiment there was defined that during the course of corrective activities by Bobath method the indicators of formation of elementary motor skills in initial positions such as laying on the spine and belly, staying on all fours and knees were essentially improved. It is worth to note that the defined expressed increase of acquisition of the main elementary skills allows to affirm the positive influence of the offered methodology on the strengthening of the spine muscles, low and upper extremities, development of coordinative abilities and testifies to the effectiveness of Bobath method in correction of psychophysical state of preschool children with the motor disorders

Author Biography

Божена Олегівна Буховець, State institution "South Ukrainian national pedagogical University named by K. D. Ushinsky" 26 Staroportofrankovskaya str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65020

Department of theory and methodology physical education, physical therapy and sports medicine


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Pedagogical Education