The special features of emotional intelect of the puplic health institution leaders




emotional intellect, gender, age, public health institution leaders


Introduction. In conditions of reformation of the medical sphere an ability to make administrative decisions, to form effective interpersonal relations, to create the teams of adherents is very important for the leaders of public health institutions (PHI). It is possible because of the certain level of emotional intellect.

Aim. To define the age- and gender-related special features of the general emotional intellect (GEI) and its components in the leaders of PHI.

Method. There was carried out psychological examination of 72 PHI leaders – 38 women and 34 men by the methodology of N. Hall, that allows to fix the level of 5 components of emotional intellect (emotional erudition (EE), emotion management (EM), self-motivation (SM), empathy (EM), emotion identification (EI)) and also GEI level that is a sum of these components. PHI leaders were divided into 4 age groups: 1 group – 30–39 years old (n=7), 2 group 40–49 years old (n=25), 3 group – 50–59 years old (n=20), 4 group – from 60 and older (n=20). The age and gender contingent of respondents corresponds to the general sampling as a whole.

Results. There was established that the women leaders have the reliably higher GEI level than the men leaders (р<0,05). The aforesaid is conditioned with reliably higher values of EE (р<0,05), EI (р<0,05), ЕМ (р<0,001), SМ (р<0,05) in women. It is possible that these components provide the gender special features of formation of interpersonal relations in leaders. In women leaders was detected the reliably higher level of SM than in men that indicates their higher motivation to succeed in professional activity. There were established the age-related special features of GEI in PHI leaders. The reliable increase of GEI level takes place at the age of 30-60 years with maximal value in the group of 50-59 years, after 60 years was observed a tendency to its decrease. In PHI leaders was detected the lowest level of EM among all GEI components regardless of gender and age.

Conclusions. The leaders of PHI have certain gender- and age-related special features of GEI and its components that must be taken into account at professional selection of candidates for leading posts in PHI. The further studies will be devoted to the determination of the dynamics of GEI changes during professional activity of PHI leaders

Author Biography

Тетяна Андріївна Вежновець, Bogomolets National Medical University 13 T. Shevchenko boul., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor

Department of Health Management


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