Assessment of the quality of life of persons with traumatic damage to the peripheral nerves of the upper limb


  • Olena Bismak


quality of life, neuropathy, trauma, upper limb, questionnaire, MOS SF-36


Purpose: to assess the quality of life of people with traumatic injuries of the peripheral nerves of the upper limb during surgical treatment.

Material & Methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; questionnaires, methods of mathematical and statistical data processing. To assess the quality of life, we used the “Brief Health Status Assessment Questionnaire” (MOS SF-36) and “Methodology for assessing the quality of life of a patient” by D. M. Aronov, 2002. SF-36 consists of 36 questions grouped into 8 scales: physical functioning, role-playing activities, bodily pain, general health, vital functions, social functioning, emotional state and mental health. The methodology for assessing the quality of life of a patient according to D. M. Aronov (2002) consists of 17 questions. The technique allows you to evaluate how much the patient considers his life to be full and with what he associates changes in the quality of life. The study was conducted on the basis of SI "Institute of Neurosurgery named after acad. A. P. Romodanova, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Department of Reconstructive Neurosurgery. The examination involved 27 patients with traumatic injuries of the peripheral nerves of the upper limb. All patients underwent surgical treatment.

Results: an assessment was made of the physical and psychological health of individuals with traumatic neuropathies of the upper limb according to SF-36. It was revealed that patients with this pathology by the physical health component scored an average of 28 to 71 points. The mental health indicators of these patients did not differ significantly from physical health (30–67 points). In general, among patients, an average level of quality of life was observed – in 74.1% of cases. A low level of quality of life was found in 4 patients (14.8%), a high level in 3 (11.1%). After assessing the quality of life of patients with traumatic neuropathies of the upper limb using the “Methods for assessing the quality of life of a patient” by D. M. Aronov (2002), we found the following: the main reason for the decline in the quality of life of 88.9% of patients was the need to perform surgery on the affected upper limbs, prolonged treatment and the need for rehabilitation courses.

Conclusions: a decrease in the quality of life in patients with traumatic neuropathies of the upper limb is due to the need to be treated, a decrease in activity in everyday life, restrictions on leisure and work, a change in the attitude of friends, friends and colleagues, and a decrease in wages.


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