Effectiveness of physical therapy for autonomic dysfunction in adolescents


  • Katerina Sobolenko
  • Oleksii Honcharov
  • Andreii Litovchenko
  • Larysa Zhykova


physical therapy, adolescents, autonomic dysfunction


Purpose: based on the generalization of the results of modern domestic and foreign scientific and methodological literature to develop a physical therapy program for adolescents with autonomic dysfunction.

Material & Methods: under our supervision there were 30 children 15–17 years old with a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia. According to the purpose and objectives of the study, anthropometric methods were used, the condition of the musculoskeletal system was studied using the stoop index and REEDCO posture assessment, the static balancing was determined using the Bondarevsky test, the Kerdo index was calculated, and mathematical statistics methods were used.

Results: a physical therapy program was developed, which included kinesiotherapy, elements of psychotherapy and auto-training, post-isometric relaxation. After applying the physical therapy program in adolescents, complaints of headache and dizziness decreased. The dynamics of the assessment of posture and stoop index indicated a significant improvement in all the studied parameters from the cardiovascular system; a decrease in the rate of cardiovascular contractions, an increase in the numbers of systolic blood pressure and the Kerdo index were observed.

Conclusions: the physical therapy program was developed taking into account the principles of physical therapy, the effectiveness of the program is confirmed by improving empirical parameters, indicators of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system and quality of life, reduced as a result of autonomic dysfunction.


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