

military-aviation pentathlon, obstacle course, sports orientation, sensorimotor coordination.


Purpose: to analyze the initial indicators that characterize the level of development of sensorimotor coordination and physical (motor) readiness of cadets of higher educational estasblishment for further sports activities in military aviation pentathlon. Material and methods: analysis of literature sources, questionnaires, testing, statistical analysis. The reseach involved 48 first-year cadets of the Kharkiv National University of the Air Force named after Ivan Kozhedub (men), aged 17-18 years old, of which 38 Candidates Master of Sports and 10 Masters of Sports.
Results: the initial indicators of candidates for further sports activities in military aviation pentathlon were analyzed. The distribution of candidates by sports such as game, cyclic, complex coordination and martial arts. Using the definition that sensorimotor coordination is an integrated indicator of the functioning of the body's sensory systems, tests were selected and systematized, the indicators of which characterize the coordination abilities. The analysis of results in the form of the verbal description, tables, the analytical description of the received regularities is carried out.
Conclusions: determined the heterogeneity of the initial indicators of sensorimotor coordination of candidates for the national team in military aviation pentathlon. It is necessary to develop a single universal training algorithm with the definition of mandatory control points - periods of determining the leading opportunities and the development of a set of additional exercises to improve certain indicators of sensorimotor coordination in accordance with the sport in which the cadets was engaged before entering.


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