Functional state of the cardiovascular system at female basketball players of a team of the first league in the course of carrying out medical and pedagogical observation



the PWC170 test, arterial pressure, heart rate, types of vascular reactions, tolerance for a loading


Purpose: to define types of vascular reactions and tolerance to physical activity at female basketball players of the I-League. Material and Methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature; medical and pedagogical supervision; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the data about types of vascular reactions and tolerance to physical activity received by means of carrying out the PWC170 test in the course of medical and pedagogical supervision at female basketball players of the I-League are considered. Conclusions: it is revealed that violations of adaptation of the cardiovascular system and the decrease in the level of fitness of an organism to a loading are observed at sportswomen. It is established that the incorrectness of educational and training process is associated with the decrease in tolerance and mainly atypical types of vascular reactions to a loading


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