Methodical features of physical rehabilitation of victims with consequences of mine and explosive trauma


  • Khassan Dandash Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
  • Denys Pidkopai Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,


physical rehabilitation, mine and explosive trauma, explosive defeat, out-patient stage of treatment


Purpose: the analysis of modern approaches to application of means and forms of physical rehabilitation of victims with mine and explosive trauma at an out-patient stage.

Material & Methods: the analysis of actual special references on a problem of the mechanism of defeat, treatment and rehabilitation of consequences of mine and explosive trauma.

Results: it is defined that the percent of use of nonconventional methods of non-drug therapy increases objectively and significantly in the last decade in physical rehabilitation along with a broad application of traditional complex techniques of medical physical culture, massage and physical therapy.

Conclusions: kinesiotherapy, hydro-bathing technologies, reflexotherapy are most demanded in practical techniques of physical rehabilitation at mine and explosive trauma for today among methods of non-drug therapy.


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