Formation of tactics of actions of cadets taking into account their cerebration during training in higher education institution


  • Yuri Sergienko University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Alexander Lavrentiev University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Sergey Antonenko University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine, Ukraine


tactical and special preparation, law-enforcement practice, cerebration, cadet, law enforcement officer, professional activity


 Purpose: the formation of tactical actions of cadets taking into account their cerebration on classes in the subject matters, which is connected with modeling of situations on office activity.


Material & Methods: the analysis of law-enforcement practice when carrying out various operational investigative actions, which are connected with the detention of offenders and their prosecution. The computer tests of assessment of psychophysiological abilities of sportsmen, which are developed by V. S. Ashanin were used, for carrying out the research. The experiment (n=25) is made during four years.

Results: the main psychophysiological processes of cerebration at cadets-law enforcement authorities on special physical preparation classes, tactical-special preparation and tactics of behavior of the employee of fiscal service with organic firearms in unusual situations are established.

Conclusions: the structure and the model of preparation are experimentally proved and specified, the role of interrelations of physical and psychophysiological qualities is opened.


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