International organizations and institutions as participants of the legal process in Ukraine


  • Ian Bernaziuk Educational-Scientific Humanitarian Institute Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University Ivana Kudri str., 33, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01042, Ukraine



international organizations, institutions, law-making, law-making process, stages of law-making, subjects of law-making


The article is devoted to determining the role and place of international organizations and institutions in the law-making process in Ukraine. The concept of law-making is analyzed and defined system of its subjects; the stage of law-making process is highlighted; the directions and results of participation of international organizations in the national law-making process are described.

The author finds that international organizations tend to join the law-making process at the stage of elaboration and elaboration of the bill by conducting an expert examination, conducting consultations in support of the relevant reforms, and participating in monitoring the implementation of the adopted legislation. As an appropriate organization on the basis of an international agreement or constituent instrument, the Ukrainian side (the subject of the drafting of the bill, national experts, etc.) may initiate the participation of an international organization or institution in the law-making process.

Based on the analysis, a conclusion is drawn on the role and place of international organizations and institutions in the lawmaking process in Ukraine

Author Biography

Ian Bernaziuk, Educational-Scientific Humanitarian Institute Taurida National V. I. Vernadsky University Ivana Kudri str., 33, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01042

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Associate professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine

Department of Constitutional and International Law 


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How to Cite

Bernaziuk, I. (2017). International organizations and institutions as participants of the legal process in Ukraine. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (2 (2), 26–30.



Juridical Science