Procedural status of a defender for the criminal procedure code of Ukraine: problems of regulation and ways of their improvement




criminal proceeding, procedural status, defender, barrister, defense side, duties, rights


There is considered the question of legislative regulation of the procedural status (rights and duties) of a defender in a criminal proceeding. It was determined, tрat according to the valid Criminal procedural code of Ukraine of 2012, proxies of a defender remain insufficiently regulated, because the separated paragraph, devoted to this question is absent. Having analyzed requirements of paragraph 46 of CPC of Ukraine, it was stated, that rights of a defender are derivative from rights of a suspected, accused person, whose defense is realized. According to the author, it is conditioned by the fact that as opposite to other participants of a criminal proceeding, a defender cannot participate in it independently.  At the same time such situation in any case must not influence the distinct fixation of correspondent rights and duties of a defender in the CPC of Ukraine. The determination and distinct fixation of correspondent rights and duties of a defender in the CPC of Ukraine will be a guarantee of providing the effective defense of rights, freedoms and legal interests of a suspected person by him. Having studied statements of the CPC of Ukraine, there was determined that the procedural status of a defender includes several “familiar” statuses. Especially, from one side a defender has right of a suspected person, from another one – legal barrister status. Thus, the volume of criminal procedural rights and guarantees of their realization is essentially wider in a defender than in a suspected person. It is proved also by the fact that a suspected person hasn’t a right to sent a barrister inquiry that is realized by a defender for obtaining stuff, copies of documents, information, conclusions of experts, conclusions of revisions, acts of examination from state authorities, local administration, enterprises, institutions, official and physical persons. That is why rights of a barrister and suspected person cannot be identified by volume

Author Biography

Serhii Ablamskyi, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs L. Landau ave., 27, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61080

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Criminal Procedure and Pre-trial Investigation Organization


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How to Cite

Ablamskyi, S. (2018). Procedural status of a defender for the criminal procedure code of Ukraine: problems of regulation and ways of their improvement. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (1 (3), 49–54.



Juridical Science