Specific constitutional frameworks for the functioning of civil society in Ukraine: freedom of enterprise activity





civil society, the right to entrepreneurial activity, freedom of the person in the economic sphere, market structure, middle class


In the scientific article the actual questions of the constitutional and legal provision of individual freedom in the economic sphere are analyzed. In the course of the study the content and limits of individual freedom in economic relations were determined, the essence and structure of the right to entrepreneurial activity as a legitimate form of realization of freedom of the person was disclosed, the problem issues of the constitutionally-legal fixing of individual freedom in the economic sphere were revealed.

The study emphasizes the idea that the realization of individual freedom in the economic sphere is based on the combination of the phenomenon of economic independence of the state and individual freedoms as the basis of civil society. In this case, the right must determine and direct the development of civilized economic relations that promote the freedom and independence of the person. The limits of individual freedom of a person in economic relations are much broader than the amount of subjective rights that it grants to the state, since in this case the legislator finds it inappropriate or impossible to fully regulate the realm of economic freedom. The realization of individual freedom through the mechanism of a market organization in terms of the needs of civil society aims, first of all, to form the middle class as the basis for the further development of civil society.

The right to entrepreneurial activity, being one of the economic human rights and the form of realization of freedom in the economic sphere, is also one of the basic categories of constitutional law. The constitutional consolidation of the right to entrepreneurial activity actually institutionalized one of the central components of the entire mechanism of a market economy. The author notes that the main problems of the constitutional and legal provision of the right to entrepreneurial activity are due to the lack of a systematic approach in the Constitution of Ukraine in fixing economic order.

In this case, the basic constitutional and legal regulation of the right to entrepreneurship in the process of modernization of the Basic Law, in our opinion, requires a change in the way of normative maintenance of freedom of business and the definition of the subjective composition of such a right

Author Biography

Sergii Ishchuk, National University of Ostroh Academy Seminarska str., 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, Ukraine, 35800

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Theory and History of State and Law


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How to Cite

Ishchuk, S. (2018). Specific constitutional frameworks for the functioning of civil society in Ukraine: freedom of enterprise activity. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (1 (3), 11–17. https://doi.org/10.15587/2523-4153.2018.127354



Juridical Science