Certain aspects of the historical and legal development of the trafficking of counterfeit medicines through the prism of the pharmaceutical industry formation





medicines, circulation of medicines, low-quality medicines, pharmacological supervision


The article is devoted to the historical research of the formation and development of the pharmaceutical industry. The study of historical sources, which contain data on the origin of the category "medicines", the legal regulation of the circulation of medicines, the first mentions of counterfeiting medicines, revealed the patterns and nature of illicit trafficking in medicines. Analysis of different types of crimes and criminal activity, in general, everywhere through the prism of history is an important point for the study, knowledge and understanding of such activities. The article highlights the process of origin and development of the circulation of medicines, draws attention to historical sources that indicate the first cases of falsification of medicines in Ukraine and in the world as a whole. The authors consider the legal sources, which included the rules that established liability for illicit trafficking in medicines. The author paid detailed attention to the criminal law sources, which provided for criminal liability for crimes in the field of pharmacy, for crimes, related to the circulation of drugs of improper quality or manufactured improperly, not observing rules and requirements, established in a certain period. As for the territory of modern Ukraine, the article examines the history of the pharmaceutical industry in the territories that, in a certain period of formation of our statehood, were part of other contemporary state formations.

In the history of the formation of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry, the emergence of the circulation of counterfeit medicines, the author of the article highlights and explores the following periods: ancient times, pre-Soviet period, Soviet period, from Ukraine's independence to the present

Author Biography

Alla Buga, National University "Odessa Law Academy" Fontanska doroha str., 23, Odessa, Ukraine, 65009

Postgraduate Student

Department of Criminology


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How to Cite

Buga, A. (2020). Certain aspects of the historical and legal development of the trafficking of counterfeit medicines through the prism of the pharmaceutical industry formation. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (2 (12), 42–48. https://doi.org/10.15587/2523-4153.2020.210115



Juridical Science