Definition of categories: threat, risk, danger in the feild of entrepreneurial activities
threats, risks, challenge, destabilizing factors, danger, legal security of entrepreneurial activityAbstract
Ensuring the security of business is the object of study of various fields of knowledge. The article highlights different approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of "threat", "risk", "danger" in the field of entrepreneurship, covered in the scientific and educational literature of legal and economic direction, legislation of Ukraine to clarify the conceptual and categorical apparatus and develop proposals to improve legal business security regulation. Significant differences in the definition of the same concept give rise to conflicts in its application in practice, which slows down the regulation of social relations, which are formed as a result of security in business, which in turn increases the level of danger in this area.
Our own definitions of the definitions of "threat", "risk", "danger" in the field of entrepreneurial activity are proposed. In the interconnection of these concepts, we recognize a threat that exists objectively in the environment, regardless of behavior of a business entity, as a basic category, but in the case of the latter's risk, it increases the level of its danger. The terms "threat", "risk", "danger" in the field of entrepreneurial activity are not defined at the legislative level. Therefore, it is proposed to develop a legal act Strategy for Business Security, which will define the deadlines and help improve legal regulation in the economic sector and the effective organization of business security in practice
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