Interaction of police officers with medical workers in providing premedical care to victims in case of thermal, electrical, solar and chemical burns in the conditions of the established martial law




rescuers, police, burns and their types, severity of damage, victims, assessment of the victim state, premedical care, algorithm of rescue operations, features of transportation, contraindications, martial law


The paper considers an urgent problem - providing premedical care to victims in case of various burns by rescuers (police, specialists of emergency medical services and disaster medicine, the State Emergency Service, etc.) in the conditions of hostilities during the full-scale invasion of the aggressor country's troops.

The medical aspect of the concept of burns is revealed, their types (thermal, electric, chemical, solar) are characterized and the signs of the existing degrees of severity of the lesion depending on the depth of damage to human tissues are given. The procedure of providing premedical care by rescuers to victims of each of the above mentioned types of injuries is described.

Attention is paid to the peculiarities of transportation of victims with thermal burns: 1) compliance of the reception department, if possible, to the nature of the damage, especially in case of damage to the respiratory system or suspicion of serious or explosive injury; 2) the use, if possible, of air evacuation in case of remote location of the receiving department of the medical institution or if the victim's airways require surgical interventions that are not available at the pre-hospital level due to limited EMC capabilities; 3) immediate delivery of a person to the burn centre with an area of burns more than 10 % of the body and which are extended to the extremities, genitals, face and/or circular burns.

Taking into account the use of phosphorous bombs by aircraft of RF in the conditions of full-scale war on the territory of Ukraine, the peculiarities of chemical burns due to the action of white phosphorus on the human body are considered, and the algorithm of premedical care to victims of these lesions is revealed.

Emphasis is placed on the need to comply with contraindications in providing premedical care to victims of burns (it is strictly forbidden to use ice, oil, flour, aloe juice and other folk remedies; apply gels, ointments, creams, alcohol-based drugs to the wound for pain relief etc.)

Author Biography

Taras Vaida, Kherson Faculty of Odessa State University of Internal Affairs

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Special Physical and Fire Training


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How to Cite

Vaida, T. (2022). Interaction of police officers with medical workers in providing premedical care to victims in case of thermal, electrical, solar and chemical burns in the conditions of the established martial law. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (2(20), 8–17.



Juridical Science