
  • Г. К. Лавренченко Ukrainian Association of Industrial Gases Manufacturers «UA-SIGMA», p.o.b. 188, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine



Cryogenic engineering, Low-temperature technologies, Air separation plant, PSA-unit, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon, Methane, Carbon dioxide, Hydrogen, Rare gases, LNG, Cryogenic pumps, Stationary and transportable tanks for liquid cryoproducts, Cryogenic equipment


The 11th International Specialized Exhibition «Cryogen-Expo» was held in Moscow on November 6-8, 2012. It was organized by the exhibition company «World-Expo». The products and technologies of 77 companies from 16 countries were demonstrated at the exhibition. Over half of the companies participated in the exhibition were domestic. In comparison with the previous exhibition its total area increased. The exhibition was attended by 1700 specialists from industrial companies, scientific and technical organizations, research and educational institutions. The 9th theoretical and practical conference «Cryogenic technologies and equipment. Prospects of development» was held. At the exhibition Russian and foreign experts reported about the results of researches, development of new low-temperature technologies and equipment. The expositions of the exhibition reflected the increased level of cryogenic engineering, and informed visitors of innovative low-temperature cryogenic technologies. The exhibition due to good organization allowed creating good conditions for the participants to promote business contacts and partnerships.

Author Biography

Г. К. Лавренченко, Ukrainian Association of Industrial Gases Manufacturers «UA-SIGMA», p.o.b. 188, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

G.K. Lavrenchenko , Doctor of Technical Sciences


Official catalogue of the 11th international specialized exhibition «Cryogen-eExpo». — Moscow: World-Expo, 2012. — 120 p. (Rus.).

Lavrenchenko G.K. (2008).О пуске в эксплуатацию крупнотоннажной ВРУ на ОАО «МКАзовсталь»// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 6. — P.34-41. (Rus.).

Lavrenchenko G.K., Kebal E.E. (2012). «Air liquide» expand its presence in Russia// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 3. — P. 11-16. (Rus.).

Tarasenko I.A., Rutskiy S.V. (2010).Creation of cryogenic complex for liquid nitrogen manufacture and storage in "Surgutneftegas"// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 2. — P. 67-70. (Rus.).

Leontyev A.A., Brovko A.D. (2010). Liquid average pressure ASP progress in their creation or modernization// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 1. — P. 50-54. (Rus.).

Utkin V.N. (2007). High-performance cryogenic pumps for technologies of manufacturing and using of technical gases// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 4. —P. 65-69. (Rus.).

Chrz V., Krivan J., Zaruba P. et al. (2012).Whether to store LNG in tanks with flat bottoms or vacuuminsulated containers?// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 5. — P. 14-20. (Rus.).

Zhilyaev Yu.G., Kels L.M., Podgornaya M.V. et al. (2012). Equipment for the manufacture and use of liquified and compressed natural gas// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. –– No. 3. –– P. 36-41. (Rus.).

Levin I.V., Mashunkin B.M., Utkin V.N. (2010).«Cryostar» pumps application in the efficient gas technologies and cryogenic equipment// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 1. — P. 69-72. (Rus.).

Kepsel K., Lavrenchenko G.K. (2005).Systems of manufacture of pure hydrogen with use of short cycle adsorbtion// Chemical and oil-gas machinery construction. — No. 12. — P. 19-23. (Rus.).

Belashov V.N. (2011). Perfection nitrogen stations with gas separation membrane blocks// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 1. — P. 53-56. (Rus.).

Gluckhov A.V., Gluckhov V.A., Tanygin A.V. (2011). Efficient air dehumidifier «RS?400» for cryogenic air separation units// Tekhnicheskie Gazy |Journal of Industrial Gases. — No. 6. — P. 67-70. (Rus.).

Kortikov A.V., Tarasova E.Yu., Shitikov V.V. (2010). Creation of modern complex for production of air separation products by Polevskoy// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 6. — P. 16-20. (Rus.).

Pavlov N.V., Chadymov V.A., Portjankin V.V. (2009).Unified gas-discharge ramps as a boxer for industrial gases// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 3. — P. 40-44. (Rus.).

Pavlov N.V., Ivanov K.A. (2011). Generators of food and welding gas mixtures// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 4. — P. 68-72. (Rus.).

Ivanov К.А., Pavlov N.V. (2012). Atmospheric evaporators of high pressure for gasification of LNG and liquid air separation products// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 3. — P. 70-72. (Rus.).

Alimov S.P., Lazarev P.D. (2011). Suite of equipment, providing the effective and ecologically friendly use of carbon dioxide// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 3. — P. 21-23. (Rus.).

Pavlov N.V., Ivanov K.A. (2010).Safety group for vessels, working under pressure of cryogenic, high-clean, toxic and explosive gases// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 5. — P. 69-72. (Rus.).

Pavlov N.V., Chadymov V.A. 2009.Use of modern components and materials at creation of cryogenic equipment for gas technologies// Tekhnicheskie Gazy | Industrial Gases. — No. 6. — P. 32-35. (Rus.).

