
  • А. Б. Ленский ZAO NPP «Сrioservis», Pushkinskaya str., 7, bilding1, Balashiha Moskow Region, Russia, 143903, Russian Federation
  • В. П. Кряковкин ZAO NPP «Сrioservis», Pushkinskaya str., 7, bilding1, Balashiha Moskow Region, Russia, 143903, Russian Federation
  • Т. И. Клеблеев ZAO NPP «Сrioservis», Pushkinskaya str., 7, bilding1, Balashiha Moskow Region, Russia, 143903, Russian Federation



Air-separating installation, Flat bottom tank, Cryogenic liquid, Thermal insulation, Casing, Inner vessel, Pipelines, Assemblage


Due to the fact that the large-capacity air-separating installations became available a part of products in the liquid state could be accumulated in cryogenic storehouses. In Russia such kind of storehouses were not constructed by the domestic enterprises. For the first time designing, manufacturing and assembling of the installation was carried out by a Russian company. A calculation procedure and designing of large flat bottom tanks, the modern technology of their assembling in the territory of the customer have been developed. The company has developed the domestic normative document — the specifications on designing, manufacturing, assembling and operation of cryogenic tanks. The first tank with the volume of 500 м3 was mounted by the experts of the company on the platform of the Taganrog Metallurgical Works.

Author Biographies

А. Б. Ленский, ZAO NPP «Сrioservis», Pushkinskaya str., 7, bilding1, Balashiha Moskow Region, Russia, 143903

A.B. Lenskiy

В. П. Кряковкин, ZAO NPP «Сrioservis», Pushkinskaya str., 7, bilding1, Balashiha Moskow Region, Russia, 143903

V.P. Kryakovkin

Т. И. Клеблеев, ZAO NPP «Сrioservis», Pushkinskaya str., 7, bilding1, Balashiha Moskow Region, Russia, 143903

T.I. Klebleev


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