
  • В. Л. Бондаренко Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Lefortovskaya emb. 1, Moscow, Russia, 105005, Russian Federation
  • Ю. М. Симоненко Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Institute of refrigeration, cryotechnology and ecoenergetics named after V. S. Martynovsky, Dvoryanskaya str., 1/3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082, Ukraine
  • Е. Г. Корж Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Institute of refrigeration, cryotechnology and ecoenergetics named after V. S. Martynovsky, Dvoryanskaya str., 1/3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082, Ukraine



Krypton and xenon concentrate, Condensation and absorption enrichment methods, Krypton, Xenon, Specific energy consumption


The actual problem in the course of Kr and Хe production from their concentrates is reducing energy consumption, increasing extraction degree and accident prevention. The description of krypton and xenon concentrate sources has been given. The basic stages of the technology of obtaining krypton and xenon from air have been considered. The results of patent search for the ways of a primary concentrate enrichment as well as krypton and xenon mixture separation have been presented. The advantage of the absorption technology for obtaining krypton and xenon concentrates has been noted. The reserves for increasing the efficiency of certain installations which carry out a work cycle of obtaining krypton and xenon have been found.

Author Biographies

В. Л. Бондаренко, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Lefortovskaya emb. 1, Moscow, Russia, 105005

V.L. Bondarenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Ю. М. Симоненко, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Institute of refrigeration, cryotechnology and ecoenergetics named after V. S. Martynovsky, Dvoryanskaya str., 1/3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

U.M. Simonenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences;

Е. Г. Корж, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Institute of refrigeration, cryotechnology and ecoenergetics named after V. S. Martynovsky, Dvoryanskaya str., 1/3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

E.G. Korzh, PhD Student


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