Nitrogen, Argon, Oxygen, Binary mixtures, Equilibrium liquid-vapor, Equations of phase equilibriumAbstract
A form of equation for calculation of data on phase equilibrium liquid-vapor in binary mixtures was perfected. Equation represents the mixture pressure as a sum of linear combination of components saturation pressure values and nonlinear function of composition and temperature. The form of equation satisfy automatically the condition on smooth passage of mixture pressure to pressure of component at correspondingly increase of its concentration. The perfection of equations form in comparison with considered early [7,8] consists in increase of flexibility of expression for nonlinear function. It allows to decrease essentially the number of coefficients of indicated function by preserving acceptable exactness of description of experimental data. The efficiency of modified form of equation was verified on example of description of reliable experimental data on phase equilibrium in mixtures nitrogen–oxygen at temperatures 65…120 K, nitrogen-argon at 77…120 К and oxygen-argon at 80…120 К. The compiled equations permit to calculate any from three parameters of phase equilibrium (р, Т, х or у) at given two others. The form of equation may be recommended for description of data on phase equilibrium liquid-vapor in binary mixtures at subcritical temperatures of both components.
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