
  • В. Л. Бондаренко Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Lefortovskaya emb., 1, Moscow, Russia, 105005, Russian Federation
  • Ю. М. Симоненко Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Institute of refrigeration, cryotechnology and ecoenergetics named after V. S. Martynovsky, Dvoryanskaya str., 1/3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082, Ukraine
  • Е. Г. Корж Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Institute of refrigeration, cryotechnology and ecoenergetics named after V. S. Martynovsky, Dvoryanskaya str., 1/3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082, Ukraine
  • М. Ю. Меркулов «Iceblick» Ltd., Paster str., 29, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine
  • О. В. Дьяченко «Iceblick» Ltd., Paster str., 29, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine



Krypton-xenon mixture, Steam elevator, Rush, Flow rate, Non-machine supercharger, Liquide nitrogen


For the secondary enrichment of the Kr-Xe mixture, it is necessary to increase its pressure to overcome the hydraulic resistance of the devices. For this purpose, one can use a cryogenic non-mechanical supercharger based on the application of the steam lift effect. An analysis of the existing facilities for the experimental studies of the steam lift has been made. A pilot device has been designed to investigate the performance characteristics of the steam lift at a temperature level of 77,4...80 K. The working fluid of the device is liquid nitrogen. The heat leakage has been identified; its influence on the operation of the non-mechanical supercharger has been studied. The flow characteristics of the steam lift device for the pressure pipes with the inner diameters of 8-16 mm have been obtained from the experimental data; the results of research have been summarised. The established dependences allow estimating the steam lift devices based on the specified incoming data and improving them.

Author Biographies

В. Л. Бондаренко, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Lefortovskaya emb., 1, Moscow, Russia, 105005

V. L. Bondarenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Ю. М. Симоненко, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Institute of refrigeration, cryotechnology and ecoenergetics named after V. S. Martynovsky, Dvoryanskaya str., 1/3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

Yu. M. Simonenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Е. Г. Корж, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Institute of refrigeration, cryotechnology and ecoenergetics named after V. S. Martynovsky, Dvoryanskaya str., 1/3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

E. G. Korzh, PhD Student

М. Ю. Меркулов, «Iceblick» Ltd., Paster str., 29, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

M. Yu. Merkulov

О. В. Дьяченко, «Iceblick» Ltd., Paster str., 29, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

O. V. Diachenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences


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