Separation, Gas mixture Ne-He, Helium, Membrane, Cenospheres, Unsteady operationAbstract
The new type of devices for the membrane division of gaseous mixtures is the devices, working in the non-stationary mode. A dividing membrane in such devices has a form of the closed microcapsule. The microscopic shells of such capsules provide high-rate of diffusion of gases, unattainable in devices working in the stationary mode. Methodology of calculation of devices for the membrane division of gaseous mixtures, working in the non-stationary mode is offered. A calculation is making by decomposition of entrance concentration signal in the row of Fourier for the eigenfrequencies of this device. Thus each of eigenfrequencies regardless of other, transmited through the layer of microcapsules, and on exit from this layer all decisions for separate eigenfrequencies are added up. On the concrete example of division of neon-helium mixture, efficiency of the offered model is shown. Demonstrated that a single transmission neon-helium mixture through an installation with two devices, 2 m long, filled cenospheres can reduce the concentration of helium is almost an order of magnitude.
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