
  • Г. К. Лавренченко LLC «Institute of low temperature energy technology», POB 188, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine
  • А. В. Копытин LLC «Institute of low temperature energy technology», POB 188, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine



Evaporative cooling, Water, Air, Direct evaporative cooling, Indirect evaporative cooling, Regenerative indirect evaporative cooling, Combined indirect evaporative cooling, Adiabatic air cooling


Atmospheric air and water are effective and accessible agents which allow to provide heat removal from the technological equipment into the surrounding environment. For many installations, which operate practically all the year round, the summer period is critical due to a rise in temperature in the surrounding environment. To stabilize the operation of the heat exchange equipment during this period the temperature of the return water should be kept at the level not higher than 28 °C. Various processes of water and air cooling in the contact devices — mechanical draft cooling towers have been considered. The analysis of changes in the parameters of atmospheric air which should be kept in the cooling tower to cool a circulating water has been made. It has been shown that the limiting temperature of water cooling and the temperature differences are determined by the preliminary way of water cooling and the atmospheric air parameters. The most efficient way of water cooling is a combined indirect evaporative air cooling before feeding it into the cooling tower. It allows to cool the circulating water of the recirculation system up to the temperatures close to the dew point temperature of 17...22 °C.

Author Biographies

Г. К. Лавренченко, LLC «Institute of low temperature energy technology», POB 188, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

G. K. Lavrenchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences

А. В. Копытин, LLC «Institute of low temperature energy technology», POB 188, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

A.V.Kopytin, Candidate of Technical Sciences


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