
  • А. А. Вассерман Odessa National Maritime University, Mechnikova Str., 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, Ukraine
  • Г. К. Лавренченко Ukrainian Association of Technical Gases Manufacturers «UA-SIGMA», POB 188, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026, Ukraine



Maritime transportation, Methane, Liquefied natural gas, Supercooling of liquid, Additional pressure, Compressed gas, Solution of hydrocarbons, Sludge, Gas hydrate, Economy of energy


The necessity of maritime transportation of gases is noted and traditional methods of their transportation are characterized. Possible developments of method of transportation of liquefied gas at pressure close to the atmospheric were observed. They allow to refuse ship installation for recondensation of gas evaporated owing to inflows of heat in tanks. Alternatives use of cryogenic potential of liquefied natural gas at its regasification in port of debarking are grounded. New propositions on transportation of natural gases were analysed — at high pressure in pipes and gas-bags, as a solution in liquid hydrocarbons, sludge or a gas hydrate.

Author Biographies

А. А. Вассерман, Odessa National Maritime University, Mechnikova Str., 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

A.A. Vasserman, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Г. К. Лавренченко, Ukrainian Association of Technical Gases Manufacturers «UA-SIGMA», POB 188, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

G.K. Lavrenchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences


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