



Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic method of research, Direct and inverse thermodynamic cycles, Thermophysical properties of substances, Entropy analysis method, Thermal and refrigerating engineering, Scientific school


At the time when scientific work becomes more collective, in the presence of leaders and a high actuality of a research scientific schools have been arisen. Such schools were formed in Odessa in the 50s-80s by the efforts of professors D.P. Gokhshtein,V.S. Martynovskiy and Ya.Z. Kazavchinskiy — the coryphaeuses of thermodynamics. At the sources of these schools was professor S.D. Levenson — the first director of the Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Refrigeration, who has introduced significant contribution to the development and improvement of the thermodynamic method of the study of the technical systems that realize the direct and inverse thermodynamic cycles. The content of the fundamental research in the field of thermal and refrigerating engineering, calculating and predicting the properties of substances, which were carried out in these scientific schools has been presented. On the basis of these schools spontaneously arose and continues to exist Odessa Thermodynamic School — a non-formal organization of scientists. They use wide and continuously improve method of the thermodynamic study and introdyce also in the practice a new approaches to the experimental study and reliable description of substances¢ properties.

Author Biographies

А. А. Вассерман, Odessa National Maritime University, Mechnikova Str., 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

A.A. Vasserman, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Г. К. Лавренченко, Ukrainian Association of Industrial Gases Manufacturers «UA-SIGMA», POB 188, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

G.K. Lavrenchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences

В. И. Недоступ, Fiziko Chemistry Institute named after A.V. Bogatsky NAS, Lustdorfskaya Road, 86, Odessa, Ukraine, 65080

V.I. Nedostup, Doctor of Technical Sciences


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Nedostup V.I. (1995). Odessa school thermal physics scienists, experts in the field of study of the properties of substances// Essays on the development of science in Odessa (V.M. Adamian, L.A. Alekseeva, J.A. Ambrose, S.A. Andronati et al.) Editor-in-Chief S.A. Andronati. — Odessa: Title. — 576 p. (Rus.).

Yastrzhembskiy A.S. (1956). Thermodynamics and the history of its development. — М.-L.: Energiya. — 668 p. (Rus.).

Gokhshteyn D.P. (1951). Entropy method for calculating the energy loss. — М.- L.: Gosenergoizdat. — 112 p. (Rus.).

Gokhshteyn D.P. (1963). Will be stoped the world clock? — М.- L.: Gosenergoizdat. — 104 p. (Rus.).

Gokhshteyn D.P. (1969). Modern methods of thermodynamic analysis power plants. — М.: Energiya. — 368 p. (Rus.).

Gokhshteyn D.P., Verkhivker G.P. (1977). Analysis of thermal schemes of atomic electric power stations. — Kiev: Vischa shkola. — 240 p. (Rus.).

Gokhshteyn D.P., Budnikova E.S., Gokhshteyn P.D. (1974). Rational carbon dioxide power cycle// Teploenergetika. [Thermoenergetics]. — № 12. — P. 49-52. (Rus.).

Levenson S.D., Martynovskiy V.S. (1948). Ships¢ refrigerating plants. — М.-L.: Maritime transport. — 411 p. (Rus.).

Martynovskiy V.S. (1950). Refrigerating machines (Thermodynamic processes). — М.: Pischepromizdat. — 264 p. (Rus.).

Martynovskiy V.S. (1952). Thermodynamic characteristics of cycles of thermal and refrigerating machines. — М.: Gosenergoizdat. — 116 p. (Rus.).

Martynovskiy V.S., Dubinskiy M.G. (1964). Air turbo-refrigerating machines with additional cooling in the regenerator// Kholodilnaya Tekhnika. [Refrigeration Engineering]. — № 6. — P. 16-18. (Rus.).

Lavrenchenko G.K. (2012). Scientific legacy of professor V.S. Martynovskiy// Tekhnicheskie Gazy. [Industrial Gases]. — № 5. — P. 5-13. (Rus.).

Barabanov V.N., Domashenko A.M., Kozlov Yu.V. (2014). Thermostating systems of the universal start complex of carrier rockets// Tekhnicheskie Gazy. [Industrial Gases]. — № 3. — P. 68-72. (Rus.).

Martynovskiy V.S. (1972). Analysis of real thermodynamic cycles. — М.: Energiya. — 216 p.

Martyinovskiy V.S. (1979). Cycles, shemes and characteristics of thermotransformers. — М.: Energiya. — 288 p. (Rus.).

Kazavchinskiy Ya.Z. (1954). On one method of determining the constants of the virial form of the equation of state for real gas// Doklady AN SSSR. [Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences]. — V. 95. — № 5. — P. 1005-1008. (Rus.).

Kazavchinskiy Ya.Z. (1958). Determination of the elementary functions of the equation of state for real gas on the experimental thermal data// Teploenergetika. [Thermal Engineering]. — № 7. — P. 44-48. (Rus.).

Kazavchinskiy Ya.Z. (1965). On the choice of the base point of point of similarity at the study of thermodynamic similarity of gases// Doklady AN SSSR. [Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences]. — V. 161. — № 5. — P. 1127-1130. (Rus.).

Kazavchinskiy Ya.Z. (1970). Lectures on technical thermodynamics.— М.: Transport. — 276 p. (Rus.).

Kazavchinskiy Ya.Z., Kesselman P.M., Kirillin V.A. et al. (1963). Heavy water: thermophysical properties. — М.-L.: Gosenergoizdat. — 255 p. (Rus.).

Vasserman A.A., Kazavchinskiy Ya.Z., Rabinovich V.A. (1966). Thermophysical properties of air and its components.— М.: Nauka. — 375 p. (Rus.).

