Periodic processes of heat exchange, Regenerative heat exchanger, Gas cryogenic refrigerator, Reverse Stirling cycleAbstract
The wave approach to the description of periodic processes of adsorption and desorption allows from unified position to consider various adsorption technologies of the separation of gas mixtures. Due to similarity of the processes of heat and mass exchange all the results obtained for periodic adsorption processes can be successfully transferred to the similar processes of heat exchange. The description of the wave approach to the construction of a mathematical model of the regenerative heat exchanger has been presented. The analysis of the adequacy of the mathematical model to the real processes of the heat exchange by the example of the regenerative heat exchanger of the gas cryogenic refrigerator. The maximal efficiency of the regenerative heat exchanger was found to be 0.81 which is very close to the actual value at which the refrigerating capacity of the refrigerator at nitrogen temperature level is 700 watts.
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