Air, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Air separation unit, Explosion safety, Explosion, Acetylene, Hydrocarbons, Adsorber, Zeolite, Liquid oxygen, Condenser-evaporatorAbstract
Air separation products (oxygen, nitrogen, argon et al.) are produced mainly using the cryogenic process and cryogenic technology equipment. The production and use of cryogenic products at the initial stage was characterized by a high potential hazard due to numerous specific factors. Therefore, simultaneously with the development of the technology of low-temperature air separation and extending the application of the resulting products it was improved the scientific basis and technological methods of an operational safety. This enabled the experts to the present time to gain the experience and extensive knowledge to develop effective technological and design solutions for the equipment with a high degree of explosion protection. The main stages of solving the problem are considered. The methods and means of the explosion safety of the modern air separation units developed by JSC «Cryogenmash» are described.
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