


The manufacturing of air separation products, Oxygen, The Kr-Xe mixture, Exergy, Expenditures, Cost price


The estimation of the production cost price of enriched Kr-Xe mixture when it’s manufactured as a waste product by air separation units (ASU) is a challenging task. The comparison of calculating the cost price well-known methods was carried out and the main sources of the mixture expenditures for the production were analyzed. The «energy method» formulated by professor V.M. Brodyansky has been chosen for the calculation of the cost price. This method involves sharing costs between products according to their volume flow, taking into account the state of the energy flow at the outlet of the unit. The object of the research is the oxygen of the largest metallurgical enterprise. The object of the research is the oxygen production of a large iron and metal enterprise. The expenditures on the obtainment of the Kr-Xe mixture in a krypton column which is a part of the ASU have been calculated. The components of the cost price of the Kr-Xe concentrate which is manufactured in units of the “Chrome” type have been investigated.

Author Biographies

В. Л. Бондаренко, Bauman Moscow State Technical Univesity , Lefortovskaya emb. 1, Moscow, Russia, 105005

V.L. Bondarenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Е. Г. Корж, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, 1/3, Dvoryanska Str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

Є.Г. Корж

Т. В. Дьяченко, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, 1/3, Dvoryanska Str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

Candidate of Technical Sciences

О. В. Дьяченко, Iceblick Ltd., Paster str., 29, Odessa, Ukraine, 65026

Candidate of Technical Sciences


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