Science legacy of professor V.S. Martynovskiy and its relevance in our time


  • Г. К. Лавренченко Восточноевропейская ассоциация производителей технических газов «СИГМА», а/я 188, г. Одесса, Украина, 65026, Ukraine



technical thermodynamics, refrigerating machine, heat pump, termotransformator, cryogenic engineering, thermodynamic analysis, scientific school, higher technical education


The Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration is celebrated 90th anniversary. In its history important plase is occupied intellectual career of professor V.S. Martynovsky, who from 1948 to 1973 headed the Institute, and later became its foundation. He has made a signsficant contribution to the organization at the Institute of training specialists in all directions of low temperatures technology at the holding perspective reseach. Its scientific heritage is richly and widely. He has published nine monographs and published over 150 articles on currents issues of engineering thermodynamics, refrigeration and heat generation. His scientific works about the development and improvement thermodynamic analysis methods of processes and cycles of refrigeration equipment, heat pumps and thermal transformers are widely known. The effective refrigeration machines with new processes and cycles, for example, regenerative air turbo refrigeration machines are designed under the leadership and whith the participation by V.S. Martynovsky. He created the authoritative scientific school, which continues and develops the research initiated by him.

Author Biography

Г. К. Лавренченко, Восточноевропейская ассоциация производителей технических газов «СИГМА», а/я 188, г. Одесса, Украина, 65026

G.K. Lavrenchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences