The effect of sectional football classes on the physical fitness of schoolchildren aged 11-12




школярі, фізична підготовленість, заняття футболом


Abstract. The main task of a modern school is the physical development and strengthening of the health of schoolchildren. However, the results of many studies indicate that, due to the intensification of the educational process and limited motor activity, the level of physical fitness of middle school students is insufficient. Scientists advise to increase the level of physical fitness to use additional sectional classes in various sports, in particular football. Therefore, the purpose of our work is to study the impact of sectional football classes on the level of physical fitness of schoolchildren aged 11-12. Material and methods: 30 boys aged 11-12 took part in the study. All subjects attended the soccer section 6 days a week. Standard tests were used to assess the physical fitness of schoolchildren. Results: The study lasted 16 weeks. During the period of the study, boys aged 11-12 years increased the results of the following tests: running 15 m from a standing position (by 2.55%, p<0.05), running 30 m (by 5.56%, p<0.05 ) and 60 m (by 5.71%, p<0.05) from a high start, long jumps (by 3.82%, p<0.05) and up (by 2.61%, p<0, 05) from standing, as well as triple (by 2.54%, p<0.05) and 5-fold (by 3.07%, p<0.05) jumps. Conclusions: The results of our research indicate that sectional football classes contribute to increasing the level of physical fitness of schoolchildren aged 11-12.


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2023-10-22 — Updated on 2023-10-22



