The method of using mobile games for purposeful formation of mental processes in preschool children
The purpose of the study is the formation of mental processes of preschool children by means of physical education. Material and methods: The study was conducted in stages during 2019 on the basis of preschool educational institution No. 56 "Katyusha" in Sloviansk, Donetsk region. 94 preschool girls were tested. Testing was carried out at the beginning and at the end of the study. The children formed a control group and an experimental group. Results: The experience of conducting game classes with children of preschool age allows us to state that taking into account organizational and methodical features when conducting physical exercise classes significantly increases their effect. In the context of the above, it becomes obvious the absolute predominance of game forms of development of mental processes of preschool children over all others. Conclusions: For the development of mental processes of preschool children, it is necessary to use not only game material well known to the child, but also to use games with elements of novelty. Moreover, the older the age, the more new games and exercises should be involved by the teacher for this work.
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