Functors of finite degree in the asymptotic category


  • Михайло Михайлович Зарічний Lviv National University, Ukraine
  • Михайло Миколайович Романський Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Олекcандр Григорович Савченко Kherson State Agrarian University, Ukraine



Asymptotic category, functor, symmetric power, projective power


We consider functors in the asymptotic category generated by some functors of finite degree in the category of compacta. Some geometric properties of these functors are established.

Author Biographies

Михайло Михайлович Зарічний, Lviv National University

Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Dean

Михайло Миколайович Романський, Drohobych State Pedagogical University

PhD student

Олекcандр Григорович Савченко, Kherson State Agrarian University

Department of Economics, Dean


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