Using of information technologies in ONAFT when studying Mathematics




Information technologies, cloudy services, higher mathematics, informatively-searching systems.


The rapid development of information technologies and computer technics opens new possibilities for improving educational technology and teaching methods. It is shown that using information and communication technologies and e-learning in teaching of mathematics at the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, which is aimed to improve the efficiency and quality of student learning.

Author Biographies

Надія Григорівна Коновенко, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

Department of mathematics

Юлія Степанівна Федченко, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

Department of mathematics

Надія Петрівна Худенко, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

Department of mathematics


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Microsoft Operations Framework [Электронный ресурс]: (портал компании Microsoft). – (2010). – Режим доступа:

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