Analysis of anxiety level in patients with myocardial revascularization compared with conservative approaches to the treatment of ischemic heart disease.


  • L. O. Khrustaleva



ischemic heart disease, myocardial revascularization, personality and reactive anxiety


The aim of the study was a comparative analysis of personal and reactive anxiety in patients with ischemic artery disease within a year, depending on the method of treatment. A survey of 215 patients with ischemic heart disease was conducted in the departments of cardiology, interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery of the MI «Dnepropetrovsk Regional Clinical Center of Cardiology and Cardiosurgery DRC» in 2010 - 2016. All patients underwent invasive coronary angiography and were administered conservative or surgical treatment - aortocoronary bypass grafting or stenting of the coronary arteries. The level of anxiety was determined by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) three times: in the initial stage of treatment, at three months and 1 year after treatment. It is determined that at the initial stage, when the treatment strategy is determined, the level of personal and reactive anxiety is high in most patients. The lowest level of anxiety is observed in patients who are prescribed coronary artery by pass grafting, in the second place - patients waiting for stenting of the coronary arteries, the highest level of anxiety in patients with drug treatment (p<0.001). Three months after the administered treatment, the level of anxiety of patients of different groups still requires additional attention and correction. A year later, patients with surgical revascularization of the myocardium no longer experience significant anxiety. The tendency to a high level of anxiety in patients with non-surgical approach to treatment is traced for a year and requires an additional medical correction of their psycho-emotional state.

Author Biography

L. O. Khrustaleva

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine»
Department of internal medicine N 1
Batumska str., 13, Dnipro, 49074, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Khrustaleva LO. Analysis of anxiety level in patients with myocardial revascularization compared with conservative approaches to the treatment of ischemic heart disease. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2018Apr.2 [cited 2024Jul.18];23(1):82-9. Available from:

