New tools for assessing health risks for the population caused by airpollution from pig farms.
ambient air, modern pig complexes, smell pollution, population surveys, analysis of permission documentation, measurements, mathematical modelingAbstract
With the increase in the number of modern powerful pig complexes in Ukraine, the risks to the health of the population living in a residential area bordering the sanitary protection zones of pig complexes have significantly increased. In addition to the direct influence of chemicals that are present in the emissions, the smell pollutionof ambient air being the risk to human health. The aim of the study was to substantiate new tools for assessing the impact of pig farms on public health and improving sanitary and epidemiological expertise. The article presents the materials of the complex hygienic research of the negative influence of atmospheric air pollution, in particular, smell pollution, in one of the modern pig farms with a capacity of 8.2 thousand heads of animals per year carried out by the laboratory of air quality of SI "O.M. Marseev Institute for Public Health" NAMSU. To accomplish these tasks, several stages of the research were carried out: questioning of the population, analysis of design materials and results of some permission documents such as sanitary and epidemiological expertise, in-situ measurements of ambient air and mathematical modeling of the distribution of chemicals on the territory of investigation. Based on the results of the study, the conclusions were drawn about the indirect effects of chemicals with odor properties on the health of the local population; A new tool for the needs of sanitary and epidemiological expertise, based on the method of mathematical modeling is proposed.References
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