Acmeologic approach to formation of professional success in family doctors at different stages of full-time continuous training.
professional competence and success of doctors, acmeological technologies, continuous higher medical education, professional improvement of doctorsAbstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the process of full-time training of family doctors for the competence in providing emergency care. The modern problem of reducing the level of adaptation to professional activity, associated with decrease in the ability to work and person's reserves in overcomeing crisis situations and the objective difficulties of the medical process itself is considered. The acmeological techniques, methods and technologies applied during the practical training in resuscitation are presented. The effectiveness of the method of guided discussion, analysis of concrete situations, game simulation technologies, that enable to move from cognitive motivation to professional, to improve interpersonal relations, to rise professional preparedness for actions in crisis situations and emergency care through the achievement of real indicators of practical skills and abilities is studied and generalized.
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