The state of cardiorespiratory system in miners at the stages of formation and stabilization of arterial hypertension.
arterial hypertension, function of external respiration, blood oxygenation, minersAbstract
The purpose of our work is to study the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system in miners of mining industry at the stages of formation and stabilization of hypertensive disease (HD). 129 miners with normal high blood pressure were examined, 94 miners with the 1 stage of hypertonia, 52 miners with the 2 stage of hypertonia, 30 miners with the 2 stage of hypertonia combined with COPD. 305 male miners were examined. The control group consisted of 30 practically healthy miners. The examined of all groups were similar in the age and work experience. Miners with the work experience of 10 years and more were included in the research. In miners with arterial hypertension problems with function of external respiration (FER) were observed. In the early stages of hypertension, they are compensatory-adaptive in the form of hyperventilation with the increase in the respiratory volume (RV). In the late stages of hypertension, hyperventilation is characterized by the increase in the frequency of respiration (FR) and decrease in RV and vital capacity of the lungs (VCL). The maximum ventilation of lungs (MVL) decreased already at normal high pressure (systolic BP 130-139 mmHg, diastolic BP 80-89 mmHg). A significant decrease in MVL was observed in patients with stage 2 HD, especially in its combination with COPD. In patients with stage 2 HD and especially in its combination with COPD, pulmonary-cardiac ratios were significantly impaired, as evidenced by such indices as: oxygen pulse (OP), minute breathing volume (MBV) / minute blood volume (MBV), RV / stroke volume (SV), heart rate (HR) / breathing rate (BR). It is shown that at the stages of AH formation in miners, compensatory interactions of external respiration with effective hemodynamic support are observed. The conducted study showed that miners with AH develop significant changes in the apparatus of external respiration, which lead to the development of latent bronchial obstruction, hyperventilation, hypoxia, and worsening of pulmonary-cardiac relations.
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