Occupational diseases as resalt of overstrain of some bodies and systems.


  • V. S. Tkachyshyn




occupational diseases, etiological classification, overstrain of some bodies and systems


In the article a scries of occupational diseases, which are according to the etiological classification, arise from overstrain of some bodies and systems are submitted. In the presented publication the author focuses on the series of occupational diseases resulted from the overstrain of separate bodies and systems which are insufficiently widely displayed in publications on a professional pathology due to their insufficient distribution until this time. Today a series of them get the increasing urgency, taking into account specificity of modern operating conditions. This became the basic purpose of the work performed. The important problem in modern conditions is significant psyhoemothional loading on the organism of workers, work with video-display terminals and pressure of the voice apparatus. Physical loading on separate bodies and systems in conditions of modern automation has a smaller value, but also takes place in modern conditions. In the article selective data concerning several groups or separate diseases presented in etiological classification of occupational diseases are resulted. The rest of them are presented in previous publications of the author, listed in reference list. Specification concerning professional neuroses, shortsightedness, phonasthenia, chronic laryngitis, nodular and contact ulcers on the voice folds, emphysema of lungs, metroptosis uterine prolapse and coloptosis are submitted. The basic concepts concerning the reasons of occurrence, clinical picture, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, preventive maintenance and working capacity examination in these diseases are considered. The data concerning the forecast, establishment of the link of the disease with occupation are resulted also.

Author Biography

V. S. Tkachyshyn

A.A. Bogomolets National Medical University
Department of propaedeutics of internal medicine N 2
T. Shevchenka bvd, 13, Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Tkachyshyn VS. Occupational diseases as resalt of overstrain of some bodies and systems. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2018Oct.26 [cited 2024Dec.20];23(3(part1):221-8. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/142388

