Dynamics of cumulating of metronidazole in the gut wall on a model of mechanical ileus.


  • V. V. Nepomniashchyi
  • T. I. Tamm
  • D. P. Polianskyi
  • O. A. Shakalova
  • O. P. Zakharchuk




acute obstruction of the intestine, experimental ileus, metronidazole, cumulation of antibacterial drugs


The frequency of acute intestinal obstruction in relation to urgent surgical diseases in Ukraine remains high and reaches 3.8-6%. In the postoperative period, such patients develop a high number of severe purulent-septic complications. For the prevention and treatment of purulent-septic complications, various combinations of antibiotics with metronidazole are used. On the model of experimental mechanical ileus, the ability of the modified bowel wall to retain metronidazole was determined. The experiment was performed on 20 lines of the "Vistar" line in which the mechanical model of the ileus was formed. The results of the study showed that the accumulation of metronidazole in the phlegmonous-altered gut wall at therapeutic concentrations occurs within the first 24 hours and is of a short-term nature. The lack of the possibility of cumulating of antibacterial drugs by the wall of the inflamed gut after 24 hours contributes to the development of purulent complications.

Author Biographies

V. V. Nepomniashchyi

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Department of Surgery and Proctology
Amosova str., 58, Kharkov, 61176, Ukraine

T. I. Tamm

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Department of Surgery and Proctology
Amosova str., 58, Kharkov, 61176, Ukraine

D. P. Polianskyi

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Department of Surgery and Proctology
Amosova str., 58, Kharkov, 61176, Ukraine

O. A. Shakalova

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Department of Surgery and Proctology
Amosova str., 58, Kharkov, 61176, Ukraine

O. P. Zakharchuk

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Department of Surgery and Proctology
Amosova str., 58, Kharkov, 61176, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Nepomniashchyi VV, Tamm TI, Polianskyi DP, Shakalova OA, Zakharchuk OP. Dynamics of cumulating of metronidazole in the gut wall on a model of mechanical ileus. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2018Dec.3 [cited 2024Dec.26];23(4(part1):94-100. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/145678

