The prevalence and intensity of the main dental diseases in children of Simferopol
children, basic dental diseases, fissures of molars, electrometyrAbstract
At present, despite the availability of modern effective oral hygienemeans and prevention of dental diseases, which reduced their intensity, disease prevalence remains high. One method of dental caries preventing in children aged 6-7 years is a fissure sealing of molars, the most vulnerable areas of the newly erupted teeth, having a number of problems associated with a complex fissures relief. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and intensity of dental diseases and their development trends, as well as indicators of electrometric fissures of teeth in children aged 6-7 years of Simferopol. 87 children aged 6-7 years (first classes schools in Simferopol) were examined. In this case, assessed the state of hard dental tissues (CFt, CFf, CFDt, CFDf, cavities, fillings, chalk spots, depigmentation, complications in the structure of lesions), the state of periodontal tissue (PMA%, bleeding, Schiller-Pisarev test, CPITN) and oral hygiene (Silness-Loe, Stallard) were examined. For diagnosing electrometryof hard tissues of dental fissures DentEst apparatus was used. Studies of major dental diseases and electrometric indicators of hard tissues of molars fissures in children under study testifiesto a high caries incidence in temporary and permanent teeth and a tendency to increase of caries prevalence of permanent occlusion in these children, poor oral hygiene and the need to develop and implement treatment and preventive measures that not allow the development of caries process in the teeth of permanent occlusion.
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