Сharacteristics of flexible elastic properties of the carotid arteries in women with arterial hypertension.


  • О. A. Коval SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Ukraine
  • I. M. Zubko SI «Ukrainian State Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability Ministry of Health of Ukraine», Ukraine




arterial hypertension, carotid arteries, remodeling, intima-media thickness, elasticity, stiffness, distensibility


The article presents the results of study of the features of the carotid wall structure using ultrasound scanning with differential measurement of intima and media thickness, as well as characteristics of arterial elasticity in women with hypertension without comorbidities. It is shown that in women with hypertension vascular remodeling occurs mainly in the form of thickening of the intima-media due to increase in the media layer and is associated with remodeling of the left heart. Carotid remodeling in women with hypertension is associated with worsening of vascular elasticity - increased vascular stiffness and decreased distension, wherein correlation analysis has shown that mentioned parameters are mostly associated with thickening of the medial layer of the artery wall and increase of internal diameter of the artery, as well as with increase in left ventricular mass. Ultrasound method of estimating elastic characteristics of arterial vessels is informative, relatively inexpensive and safe.


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How to Cite

Коval ОA, Zubko IM. Сharacteristics of flexible elastic properties of the carotid arteries in women with arterial hypertension. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2013Oct.2 [cited 2025Jan.7];18(3):30-7. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/18932

