Particularities of gastroduodenal pathology in children, associated with cytotoxic CAGA-positive strains of Helicobacter pylori.


  • O. N. Gerasimenko SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Ukraine



children, chronic gastroduodenal pathology, Helicobacter pylori


The aim of the study was to investigate the characteristics of inflammatory gastroduodenal diseases in children, associated with CagA-positive strains of H. pylori. We observed 283 children aged 7 to 17 years with chronic gastroduodenal pathology in exacerbation stage; endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum was performed, total Ig M, A, G to Ag SagA H. pylori protein in blood serum by ELISA was determined. The study group included 156 patients infected with cytotoxic CagA (+) strains of H. pylori (H. pylori-positive status), comparison group - 59 (20,9%) patients with H. pylori-negative status. It was shown that 55.1% of patients observed were infected with cytotoxic CagA (+) strains of H. pylori. The intensity of clinical symptoms and the severity of inflammatory changes in stomach and duodenum mucosa in children with H. pylori infection is associated with cytotoxic strains of CAG A H. pylori. Presence of extensive gastritis (34,6%; p<0,05), lymphoid hyperplasia (16,0%; p <0,05), turbid mucus in the gastric lumen are the special features of endoscopic changes in children with H. pylori-positive status.

Author Biography

O. N. Gerasimenko, SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine"

Department of Facultative Pediatrics and Medical Genetics


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How to Cite

Gerasimenko ON. Particularities of gastroduodenal pathology in children, associated with cytotoxic CAGA-positive strains of Helicobacter pylori. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2013Oct.2 [cited 2025Jan.7];18(3):84-9. Available from:

