Dnepropetrovsk hygienic school: past, present and future.


  • E. M. Beletskaya SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Ukraine
  • T. D. Zemlyakova SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Ukraine




history of hygiene, Dnipropetrovsk hygiene School, 90-th anniversary of development


The article presents historical analysis of formation of hygiene school of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy over the 100 year period - from formation of Katerinoslav province sanitary district council, as a unique self-government social organization in XIX century to the present. The basic stages of its development, including foundation of Hygiene Courses at High Mining School, their transformation into department of general hygiene, social hygiene and hygiene of labor in Katerinoslav Medical Academy in 1922, foundation of separate departments of hygiene in 1940-1948, their reorganization at the end of  XX – beginning of XXI centuries are outlined. It is established, that Dnipropetrovsk hygiene school during its existence formed a great number of outstanding scientists, more than 100 dissertations in different directions devoted to hygienic diagnostics of technogenically changing environment, its impact on human health as well as hygienic control levers and health strengthening of population of industrial areas were defended. Scientific contribution of prominent scientists and teachers, their achievements and discoveries in the field of preventive medicine, role in the formation of preventive world outlook of students are estimated. At the XIV hygienic congress 30 hygienists were recognized as leading scientists of Ukraine over XX century, seven of them are from Dnipropetrovsk hygiene school; this indicates its importance in the noble cause of serving public health.

Author Biographies

E. M. Beletskaya, SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine"

Department of general hygiene

T. D. Zemlyakova, SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine"

Department of general hygiene


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How to Cite

Beletskaya EM, Zemlyakova TD. Dnepropetrovsk hygienic school: past, present and future. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2013Oct.2 [cited 2025Jan.7];18(3):111-8. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/19095

