The structure of long tubular bones fractures of lower extremity by the data of the regional bureau of forensic-medical examination.


  • I. H. Savka Bukovinian state medical university, Ukraine
  • V. T. Bachynsky Bukovinian state medical university, Ukraine
  • I. L. Bezhenar Bukovinian state medical university, Ukraine



fractures, long tubular bones, lower extremity, forensic medicine


The main purpose of the research is carrying out forensic-medical analysis of cases from expert’s practice with fractures of the long bones based on the findings of the Regional Bureau of Forensic-Medical Examination over 2009-2012 years period. The research has been carried out using methods of statistical and comparative analysis. Their distribution by gender, age, localization, character and type of external influence, the conditions of their occurrence and participation of other persons has been outlined. Fractures of lower extremity bones make up from 15,8 to 22,5% of all the cases of mechanical trauma with lethal outcomes. Therewith male persons suffer more often from injury of the left extremity at different day time and season. The principal mechanism of their origin is injury resulting from road accidents in the countryside with the participation of other persons.


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How to Cite

Savka IH, Bachynsky VT, Bezhenar IL. The structure of long tubular bones fractures of lower extremity by the data of the regional bureau of forensic-medical examination. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2013Oct.2 [cited 2025Jan.7];18(3):140-3. Available from:

