Measles (lecture, continuing).


  • L. R. Shostakovych-Koretsraya
  • V. V. Mavrutenkov
  • A. V. Cherhinets
  • I. V. Budayeva
  • О. M. Yakunina
  • Z. A. Chykarenko



measles, complications, diagnosis, therapy, prophylaxis


The second part of the article discusses differential diagnosis during different measles periods. Routine and confirmatory laboratory diagnosis, including cytological, serological and molecular genetic methods is outlined. Criteria of suspected, probable and proved diagnosis of measles cases are provided. Principles of diagnosis formulation according to WHO criteria are described. Complications of measles ac­cording to cause (viral and bacterial), by different systems and particularities in high risk patients are considered. Complications of measles from central nervous system are described in details. Therapeutic management of measles is described in details, including indications for hospital admission, etiotropic therapy, strict indications for steroids and immunoglobulins prescription, vitamin A in dosages, therapy of complications, indications for antibiotics usage and other pathogenetic therapy. Specific therapy of measles complications from central nervous system is outlined. Active and passive immunization, anti-epidemic activities, patient follow-up after episode of measles and disease prognosis are described. The literature reference list consists of 121 items, including Cyrillic, Latin articles and electronic resources.

Author Biographies

L. R. Shostakovych-Koretsraya

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine»
Department of infectious diseases

V. V. Mavrutenkov

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine»
Department of infectious diseases

A. V. Cherhinets

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine»
Department of infectious diseases

I. V. Budayeva

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine»
Department of infectious diseases

О. M. Yakunina

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine»
Department of infectious diseases

Z. A. Chykarenko

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine»
Department of infectious diseases


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How to Cite

Shostakovych-Koretsraya LR, Mavrutenkov VV, Cherhinets AV, Budayeva IV, Yakunina ОM, Chykarenko ZA. Measles (lecture, continuing). Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2013Dec.24 [cited 2024Dec.22];18(4):4-15. Available from:

