Increasing the efficiency of teaching the topic "Burns, frostbites, electric traumas" by means of modern educational technology.


  • N. N. Nor



teaching, interactive technologies, method of cooperative groups, treatment of thermal trauma


The main objective of the work is to test and implement modern interactive methods in the field of medical education, namely the method  of  cooperative groups into the educational process of the Department of General Surgery  of  SI "DMA MH"   and to determine its efficacy by the example of class on the topic "Burns, frostbites, electrical trauma. Diagnosis, first aid, medical treatment”.The method is used to find similarities in different patterns of giving medical care to patients with burns, frostbites and electric trauma. Learning activity is divided into three stages. Stage 1:  the teacher divides the students into four groups and gives a task to each group. Stage 2:  each group announces the results  and presents them in the  standardized format.  After the discussion  the proper decision on the common features of the first aid, treatment, and the algorithm of action is made.  Stage 3: the groups  share  results of the previous clinical experience, sum up, solve situational tasks  and  tests of level III.  The method of co-operative groups allows to increase  the motivation of students in the learning process, causes  more efficient and thorough acquiring of the material, promotes development of clinical thinking, develops the urge towards collaboration and collective responsibility,  favors the development of positive personal qualities of a future professional doctor.

Author Biography

N. N. Nor

SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy Ministry of Health of Ukraine"
department of general surgery
Sverdlova str., 65, Dnipropetrovsk, 49044, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Nor NN. Increasing the efficiency of teaching the topic "Burns, frostbites, electric traumas" by means of modern educational technology. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2013Dec.24 [cited 2024Dec.22];18(4):33-5. Available from:

