Psychological bases of occupational health of specialists of economic sphere.




health, occupational health care, economic training profile, prevention, formation and preservation of health of specialists of the economic sphere


A theoretical and methodological approach to the study of the process of professional health of specialists in the economic sphere was developed, which allowed to distinguish professionally important qualities of a specialist influencing his professional health, as well as to predict their transformation in changing social conditions. The peculiarities of the dynamics of the process of occupational health of specialists in the economic sphere (the stage of "primary formation" and undefined attitude to the profession; "personal-activity" stage - realization of social status at the level of the professional community; "professional-ethical" stage – values-based attitude to the profession) are revealed. Types of values-based attitude relation (neutral; pragmatic-realistic; values-based) to professional activity and peculiarities of their manifestations in specialists of economic sphere having different experience of such activity are determined. It is shown that the dynamics of professional becoming of specialists in the economic sphere is associated with the activation of changes in the internal and external environment of the subject of activity. The conceptual model of formation and preservation of professional health of specialists of the economic sphere is offered, implemented as a theoretical and methodological strategy of the systemic and holistic process in the direction of ensuring its effectiveness, presented in the form of an image of a healthy person, responsibly managing his own health and realizing himself in society, and an image of a specialist who independently sets the goals of formation and preservation of professional health, chooses the best ways and means and achievements. The developed model provides a qualitatively new level of personal, physical, professional and social readiness of the person for self-realization in the professional economic sphere of activity and successful integration into society.

Author Biographies

О. А. Shevchenko

SE «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine» 1
Department of Hygiene and Ecology
V. Vernadsky str., 9, Dnipro, 49044, Ukraine

I. A. Burlakova

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University 2
Department of Practical Psychology and Social Work
Tsentralnyi av. 59-а, Severodonetsk, 93400, Ukraine

О. V. Sheviakov

PHEE «Dnipro Humanitarian University» 3
Department of General Psychology
Yermolova st., 35, Dnipro, 49067, Ukraine

O. A. Agarkov

PHEE «Dnipro Humanitarian University» 3
Department of General Psychology
Yermolova st., 35, Dnipro, 49067, Ukraine

I. A. Shramko

PHEE «Dnipro Humanitarian University» 3
Department of General Psychology
Yermolova st., 35, Dnipro, 49067, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Shevchenko ОА, Burlakova IA, Sheviakov ОV, Agarkov OA, Shramko IA. Psychological bases of occupational health of specialists of economic sphere. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2020Jul.1 [cited 2024Jul.27];25(2):163-7. Available from:

