The consequence of biomarkers of myocardial fibrosis in the prediction of arrhythmias in patients with hypertension in combination with coronary heart disease (literature review)




markers of fibrosis, galectin-3, aldosterone, transforming growth factor β-1, hypertension, coronary heart disease, ventricular extrasystole


The main morphological structural lesion substrate is myocardial fibrosis. The processes of fibrosis in a certain way are associated with the severity of a variety of cardiac arrhythmias. Myocardial fibrosis may be manifested by prolongation of the QRS complex, frequent ventricular arrhythmias and ventricular tachycardia on the electrocardiogram. Echocardiography is the main tool used to assess the structure and function of the heart, it reveals an increase in the left ventricle, and decrease in ejection fraction and diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle and an increase in filling pressure. Biological markers are quantitatively defined biological parameters that, as indicators, determine the norm, pathology and result of medecinal correction of the disease (definition of experts from the Biomarkers Definitions Working Group, USA). Changes of biomarkers can be controlled to determine the individual risk of cardiovascular diseases development and measures to normalize them. Among the main causes of fibrosis activation, hyperactivation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and, as a consequence, the excessive formation of angiotensinogen and aldosterone are considered; increased levels of galectin-3, which contributes to the migration of macrophages, proliferation of fibroblasts and collagen synthesis in cardiomyocytes. Recently, much attention is paid to the study of biochemical markers such as aldosterone, galectin-3 and transforming growth factor- beta-1.Thus, these markers were determined in hypertension, metabolic syndrome, congestive heart failure, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation. However, to date studies considering association between frequent ventricular premature beats, as a marker of electrical instability and plasma levels of biomarkers of fibrosis, such as aldosterone, galectin-3and transforming growth factor beta-1, in patients with essential hypertension without / or in combination with coronary heart disease are absent. Based on the aforesaid material,, further thorough study of this problem is promising.


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How to Cite

Ivanov V, Shushkovska Y, Afanasiuk O, Pentiuk L. The consequence of biomarkers of myocardial fibrosis in the prediction of arrhythmias in patients with hypertension in combination with coronary heart disease (literature review). Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2020Dec.28 [cited 2024Nov.23];25(4):22-31. Available from:

