Reproductive health under global warming




global warming, premature birth, reproductive health, adverse effects of pregnancy


Reproductive health problems are attracting the attention of biomedical scientists in connection with changes in the environment. Climate change in the direction of rising temperatures is an urgent threat to human health with negative long-term effects. Under conditions of global warming, the number of negative consequences of pregnancy is increasing, namely idiopathic premature termination of pregnancy with the birth of premature newborns. The priority to reduce the negative health effects of climate change is to identify most sensitive risk groups to the negative impacts of climate change on health, which include pregnant women and newborns. The strategy to prevent and reduce changes in reproductive health is based on the recognition of global warming as a risk factor that contributes to the growth of premature birth and the associated adverse effects of pregnancy.


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How to Cite

Tsymbalyuk V, Vadzyuk S, Tolokova T, Pankiv I. Reproductive health under global warming. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2022Dec.29 [cited 2024Dec.27];27(4):4-12. Available from:

