Pathogenetic substantiation of surgical treatment of recurrent inguinal hernia.


  • L. S. Bilіanskyі
  • O. V. Svіsenko
  • S. I. Netesa



polypropylene mesh, collagen, preperitoneal fixation, tissue reaction


Research purpose was to investigate tissue reactions on implantation of polypropylene mesh, processed with collagen, after plastic surgery of experimental defect in rats in preperitoneal prosthesis localization. Research was performed in two experimental groups. Group 1 – in 17 rats an experimental defect of  anterior abdominal wall with 3 cm of size with further preperitoneal fixation of the polypropylene mesh of 0,5×1,0 cm size was performed. Group 2 – in 20 rats under analogous conditions preperitoneal fixation of polypropylene mesh, processed with collagen was performed. Morphological analysis of stages of scar tissue formation in the implantation region in the preperitoneal cavity of rats by stereological characteristics of cellular and fiber structures of connective tissue considering hemodynamic characteristics shows substantial benefits of polypropylene mesh, processed with collagen, during 2 montha after experimental hernioplasty.

Author Biographies

L. S. Bilіanskyі

National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology named after О.О. Shalimov NAMS of Ukraine
str. Heroes of Sevastopol, 38, Kyiv, 03065, Ukraine
SE "Dnipropetrovsk Specialized Health Station  N 6, Health Ministry of Ukraine"
Titov str., 29, Dnipropetrovsk, 49000, Ukraine

O. V. Svіsenko

National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology named after О.О. Shalimov NAMS of Ukraine
str. Heroes of Sevastopol, 38, Kyiv, 03065, Ukraine
SE "Dnipropetrovsk Specialized Health Station  N 6, Health Ministry of Ukraine"
Titov str., 29, Dnipropetrovsk, 49000, Ukraine

S. I. Netesa

National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology named after О.О. Shalimov NAMS of Ukraine
str. Heroes of Sevastopol, 38, Kyiv, 03065, Ukraine
SE "Dnipropetrovsk Specialized Health Station  N 6, Health Ministry of Ukraine"
Titov str., 29, Dnipropetrovsk, 49000, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Bilіanskyі LS, Svіsenko OV, Netesa SI. Pathogenetic substantiation of surgical treatment of recurrent inguinal hernia. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2014Jun.18 [cited 2024Jul.17];19(2):64-71. Available from:

