Hygienic assessment of safety of environmental objects and agricultural crops in anilinopyrimidines fungicides application.


  • E. P. Vavrinevych
  • S. T. Omelchuk
  • V. G. Bardov
  • S. V. Bilous




fungicides, anilinopyrimidines, soil, acceptable daily intake, vegetables, fruits


Nowadays in Ukraine there is a trend of increased use of mixed fungicides, containing compounds of certain classes in the formulation and new classes of active substances including anilinopyrimidines compounds. The aim of our work was hygienic assessment of dynamics of anilinopyrimidines pesticide residues in the soil, pit fruits, pomes fruits, vegetables, grapes and estimation of their risk for population. The content of tested substances in the samples was determined by gas-liquid and high performance liquid chromatography. Full-scale field studies have shown that in soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine dynamics of residues of anilinopyrimidines obeys an exponential dependence. Mean values of anilinopyrimidines fungicides t50 were equal to 10.7±0.8 days in soil, 7.9±0.2 days – in fruits, 5.7±0.6 days – in verdurous plant mass. Pyrimethanil and cyprodinil (according to SsanN&R were referred to class III of hazard by persistency in soil, and valifenal – to IV class; tested substances were classified as hazard pesticides class III by persistency in plants. Comparative analysis of degradation rates of tested compounds in different matrices showed that degradation processes occur significantly faster in the verdurous mass of plants than in the fruits (p<0.05; t=3,75); and in fruits – significantly faster than in the soil (p<0.05; t=3.35). 0.0413 mg of cyprodinil, 0.0555 mg of valifenal and 0.0385 mg of pyrimethanil can get into human body with daily food allowance, which is 3.3%, 26.4% and 4.6% of the acceptable daily intake, correspondingly. The data obtained will be used while making decision on registration of preparations containing this class of compounds in Ukraine.

Author Biographies

E. P. Vavrinevych

Institute of hygiene and ecology of Bogomolets National medical university
Peremogi av., 34, Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine

S. T. Omelchuk

Institute of hygiene and ecology of Bogomolets National medical university
Peremogi av., 34, Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine

V. G. Bardov

Institute of hygiene and ecology of Bogomolets National medical university
Peremogi av., 34, Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine

S. V. Bilous

Institute of hygiene and ecology of Bogomolets National medical university
Peremogi av., 34, Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Vavrinevych EP, Omelchuk ST, Bardov VG, Bilous SV. Hygienic assessment of safety of environmental objects and agricultural crops in anilinopyrimidines fungicides application. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2014Jun.18 [cited 2024Jul.17];19(2):144-51. Available from: https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/2307-0404/article/view/28500

