Incidence of respiratory tract sarcoidosis in southern and northern regions of Ukraine.


  • G. L. Gumenyuk



epidemiology of sarcoidosis, incidence and prevalence in Ukraine


We conducted a comparative survey of incidence and prevalence of pulmonary sarcoidosis in Southern (Crimean AR) and Northern (Zhytomyr region) regions of Ukraine by means of analysis of self-referred cases and cases, revealed at prophylactic radiological examination in 2011. The incidence of sarcoidosis in Crimea was 1.08 per 100 000 adult inhabitants; the prevalence was 4,59 per 100 000. In Zhytomyr region the incidence value (2,62 per 100 000) exceeded an equivalent value in Crimea by 2,4 times. The prevalence (7,86 per 100 000) was also higher than in Crimea by 1,7 times. Taking into account a significant impact of climate factor on sarcoidosis epidemiology, the incidence and prevalence of disease in Northern and Southern regions should be considered polar as for the regions of Ukraine. This makes it possoble to conclude that mean incidence of sarcoidosis in Ukraine ranges from 1,1 to 2,6 per 100 000 adult population, whereas the prevalence – from 4,6 to 7,9 per 100 000, which is equivalent to the level of Southern European countries.

Author Biography

G. L. Gumenyuk

SI “National institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology
named after F.G. Yanovsky NAMS of Ukraine”
M. Amosova str., 10, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Gumenyuk GL. Incidence of respiratory tract sarcoidosis in southern and northern regions of Ukraine. Med. perspekt. [Internet]. 2014Jun.18 [cited 2024Jul.17];19(2):159-61. Available from:

